Monday 17 May 2010

Sunday 16th May

Nearly caught up!

Sunday morning and we had strawberry and banana pancakes for breakfast. It's sunday so we took it a bit slower and just went back to the shopping mall to do some specific shopping - food and a cable to download pictures from the camera. Got the food okay, but ended up buying a netbook instead of a cable! Hence, I am able to blog on the move now and phew - write too. (I don't call this writing, this is making notes more than anything). No photos of the mall because there's one further down.

In the afternoon we went to Cederos, which is a great little 'village' by the sea, just south of Encinitas. Lots of great, very funky shops and a farmer's market with some wonderful fresh produce.

Lunch was from one of the stalls - you had a choice of fish tacos, crepes, paninis etc... I chose the panini. It wasn't that brillian to tell you the honest truth. Then we took a stroll down the road, looked at the shops and I avoided spending any money. Hap however, bought some lovely things in this shop right at the end of the street, where the woman serving her couldn't be more helpful.

Home again, and we had a great supper. Dana is a fantastic cook! Little Bella had a tummy ache so we didn't play poker with the kids like we'd talked about, but cleared the table and then played with the new electronic gadgets.

My bodyclock has finally sorted itself out and I stayed up until midnight (and woke at my usual five thirty). Writing this very early on Monday morning, and I hope to give you more detail in future posts, now I don't have to catch up. This morning we plan to pick up the hire car in San Diego, from the airport, and go to Coronado del Rey, where they shot the movie Some Like it Hot.

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