Monday 24 May 2010

24th May

Drove into San Francisco today to see the sights. These derricks were the inspiration for George Lucas's monster walking robots things in Star Wars. As you can see the weather was ovecast on the drive in, but it cleared up over the course of the day and it ended up warm and sunny.

We headed straight for the Golden Gate Bridge and parked at Cressy field, the site of the old airport. It's right next to the bridge and there's a lovely walk through wild flowers planted here as representative of the wild flowers in the area.We walked up onto the bridge and absolutely everyone we encountered there was beaming big smiles. It is a magical bridge with fabulous views of the whole bay and Alcatraz.Afterwards we drove through the streets of San Francisco, up and down some seriously big hills, where you have to think whether the brakes will actually hold you or not, to Chinatown. Not that impressed with Chinatown. It's not as nice as London's Chinatown. But it is colourful.
We delivered the car back to the car hire company and then caught the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) out to Walnut Creek, where Hap's brother picked us up and drove us the few miles back to Diablo.

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